



Malowany ptak wg Jerzego Kosińskiego to spektakl powstały w koprodukcji Teatru Żydowskiego w Warszawie i Teatru Polskiego w Poznaniu. Reżyseria: Maja Kleczewska

The Painted Bird

The Painted Bird is an effect of slowly liberating the mind, gripped by fear for a long time.

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Wielka wygrana - scenariusz Marty Guśniowskiej powstał na podstawie tekstu Szolem Alejchema pod tym samym tytułem. Spektakl Teatru Żydowskiego w Warszawie wyreżyserował Tomasz Szczepanek.

The Great Fair

“The irony of the story is that have I never for for this bloody Great Fair, I would still be probably alive. And now, as rightly suspected by the smart audience that misses no detail nor dust, I’m a dead man all right. And everything started with... Exactly...” This is how Szymełe Sorokier begins his stage life.

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Szabasowa dziewczyna Daniela Simona w tłumaczeniu Janusza Tencera. Komedia wyreżyserowana przez Marcina Sławinskiego w Teatrze Żydowskim w Warszawie.

The Convertible girl

The play The Convertible Girl has been written by an American playwright Daniel Simon about whom, his student, Woody Allen, once said: “Everything I know about comedy I learned from Daniel.”

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Szosza na podstawie prozy Isaaca Bashevisa Singera w reżyserii Karoliny Kirsz. Spektakl Teatru Żydowskiego w Warszawie.


Aron Greidinger is wondering the streets of Warsaw looking for writer's inspiration and visiting his many lovers. But he is unable to forget about Szosza. Who is Szosza? An embodied innocence or a sponge that takes in all dirt and perversion of the world?

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Matki w reżyserii Pawła Passiniego. Spektakl z udziałem Dzieci Holocaustu został zrealizowany przez Teatr Żydowski w Warszawie wg pomysłu Gołdy Tencer.


A baby is born into a world of complete silence. This way, the mother is able to protect it from the extermination, to which all male Jewish newborns are condemned. And when she cannot hide him anymore, she makes a wicker basket, seals it with resin and tar, puts her baby inside and lets it go down the river.

More about Mothers
Marzec '68. Dobzre żyjcie to najlepsza zemsta Pawła Demirskiego w reżyserii Moniki Strzępki. Teatr Żydowski w Warszawie.

March ‘68. Live well - it is the best revenge

It is not a historic nor documentary show. It is a show about how easy it is for people to subjugate events and make them fit in their views. It's hard to learn from the history if the history is treated as a hammer for political opponents.

More about March ‘68. Live well - it is the best revenge
...coś jeszcze musiało być to spektakl w reżyserii Izabeli Cywińskiej, który powstał na podstawie tekstów Hanny Krall.

...something must have been there

For a long time, Izabella Cywińska has looked forward to staging the stories written by Hanna Krall. She only once adapted her works for the show “The Other Mother” broadcast by TV Theatre in 1999. Besides Myśliwski, Krall is one of the contemporary writers appreciated by Cywińska the most.

More about ...something must have been there
Spektakl "One same" opowiada o losach pięciu kobiet: Ireny Krzywickiej,  Sophie Tucker, Anny Held, Heleny Rubinstein i Stephanie von Hohenlohe. Spektakl w reżyserii Karoliny Kirsz to produkcja Teatru Żydowskiego w Warszawie.

They themselves

The screenplay was inspired by, among others, the book by Andrzej Krankowski entitled “Pollywood. Fugitives in Paradise.”

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Śmierć pięknych saren Oto Pavla w reżyserii Jana Szurmieja. Spektakl Teatru Żydowskiego w Warszawie.

Death of beautiful roebucks

Paweł Szumiec’s stage adaptation is a selection of stories and colorful memories from Oto Pavel's childhood and teenage years.

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Jewish actors

The six actors in the play tell their own stories. None of them is telling the truth for sure. They are authentic but not necessarily exact. Can an actor, essentially an interpreter, be fully credible? This is why one should take their story with a grain of salt.

More about Jewish actors
Spektakl Dybuk oparty o tekst Szymona An-skiego w reżyserii Mai Kleczewskiej. Spektakl grany w języku polskim, hebrajskim i jidysz.

The Dybbuk

The show “The Dybbuk” has been based on the classical Jewish drama by S. Ansky, Yiddish “Romeo and Juliet”, a folk legend telling the story of the soul of the deceased Yeshiva student who enters the body of his beloved.

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"Ruchele wychodzi za mąż" Savyon Liebrecht w reżyserii Jacka Papisa na deskach Teatru Żydowskiego w Warszawie.

Rochale Gets Married

Polish premiere of one of Israel's most famous contemporary playwright, Savyon Liebrecht. The author, whose roots trace back to Poland (she was born in 1948 as Sabina Sosnowski), tells a universal story about memory and forgiveness.

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