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Izabella Rzeszowska
Izabella Rzeszowska finished the School of Acting in the Jewish Theater in 2008. She successfully combines her two passions, acting and singing. Her artistic oeuvre includes many plays and TV concerts. She cooperates with Piotr Cieplak, Agnieszka Glińska, Jan Szurmiej, Szymon Szurmiej, Gołda Tencer, Anna Smolar and other directors. She performed with the Polish singers Justyna Steczkowska and Ewa Bem and with the Ektoplazma music band. She also performed at a concert staged as part of the ‘Spotkania: Norwedzy w Teatrze Żydowskim’ project, in which she sang alongside Ruth Wilhelmina Meyer, Jorn Simon Overla and Joanna Lewandowska. She also performed in the Nożyk Synagogue in Warsaw.
2016 – “Jewish Actors” – The Ensemble Acting Award of the 56th Kalisz Theatrical Meetings.